Poster Companies – Waterloo

  • Posted on: December 4, 2015
  • by: S42Dev

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PostersPosters can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. They can be for personal use (band posters, etc.) or for commercial or marketing purposes for events such as musical shows, campus activities, or public events. Unlike a standard one time sign, posters are great for handing out as promotional material as they're highly affordable. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to make a great poster, as well as tell you how we at Westmount can help you with that. If you're looking for the highest quality, best pricing and friendliest service for all of your sign and printing needs, contact us today! button

"Westmount Signs has always stepped up to the plate to deliver all our printed needs and sign needs for more than 8 years. They help us represent our brand and have always delivered, even on short notice. They have even arranged special pick up when the store was closed and they ensure I am well pleased with the final product. They value getting it right for the client and they follow through to ensure we are well pleased! I highly recommend Westmount and am thankful they jump each time I call!"

- Brent Furguson, CMO/Managing Director, Brentwood Livery

Click here to see more testimonials about Westmount Signs and Printing

Local posterHave a Focus

One of the most important aspects you can have on a poster is a focused and easily understandable message. For the most part, posters are usually only viewed from 3-5 seconds before a person walks past them, so having a focused direction can help get your message across quickly. The last thing you'll want to do is clutter your poster with too many images or words that can make it almost impossible to interpret in a quick passing.

Use Contrasting Colours

This is a classic move for any design process in marketing. Using contrasting colours (particularly between the 5K Posterbackground and text) makes your message pop out to the viewer, and makes it easier to read from a distance. Not only that but it naturally draws our attention, especially if you're using bold colours such as vibrant blues, reds, or greens.

Use the Space Wisely

While you don't want to make your poster so cluttered that some of the focus is removed, you will want to use as much space on the poster as possible to give detailing. This doesn't mean add as much to the poster as possible, but rather use the space to make the poster more visually appealing, such as creating more space between individual letters to make it easier to read or double spacing the lines of text. These Wine postersmall details can make a poster much more attractive. We have experienced professionals at Westmount that can help come up with some great designs for you. Click here to learn about what makes us different.

Include a Call to Action

What's the point of advertising if you're not allowing the viewer to respond? Always ensure that the person viewing your poster is given an option to respond to your poster, whether it's suggesting they get in contact with you, connect with you through social media, or give information to where certain products or services can be purchased. Also, be sure to make this information easily understandable because there is nothing worse than missing out on a conversion because of some confusing instructions.

WS-LogoWestmount Signs

We're a little biased to who is the best provider of poster services in the tri-city region, but we have a track record that proves our outstanding quality. We're able to make any posters up to the dimensions of 54" x 150", and offer both printable posters, which are great for one-time use or for bulk posters, and laminated posters, which are great if you plan on using the poster over and over again. Lamination ensures that the poster is as durable as possible, and even though it is a costlier option than non-laminated, it will have a longer lifespan and is resistant to any liquid or tears. Our team of experts can offer you a large selection of solutions and ideas for your posters, and we provide all aspects of the process. From the design to handing you the finished product, we can do it all. If you'd like to have the highest quality posters for the best cost, contact us today! at 519-885-1400 or email us at