Why Business Cards Still Work

  • Posted on: November 29, 2015
  • by: S42Dev

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Business CardsBusiness cards were once the easiest way to market yourself and your business, but recently this once effective marketing tool has been replaced by more modern products. However, despite their recent fall in popularity business cards still work for a number of reasons. Throughout this article, we'll be discussing why business cards are still a relevant marketing tool, and what you can do to make your business cards even more effective. Westmount Signs and Printing can help you come up with some creative and unique business card designs for both you and your co-workers. Click here now to find out more!

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Why Do Business Cards Matter?

The reason business cards have fallen out of favour with the marketing community in recent years is because they are generally viewed as a method of communication that is no longer necessary. I mean, why would somebody need a business card if they could simply find you in a Google search? While this is a valid statement, what most people don't consider is that the value of a business card goes far beyond a simple means of communication. So let's take a look at a few reasons why business cards are still an incredible asset to your company.

They're Convenient

Business Cards 2Let's say you're out in the field doing your job (photography, music, sales, etc.) and you run into somebody who may be interested in your services. In this situation, you have a few different ways of sharing contact information with them. First, you can give them your phone number and ask them to put it into their own phone. Second, you can ask them to look you up online (website, facebook, Google+). Third, you can simply hand them a business card with all the information they will need to contact you later. With option one, it's quite simple for your information to be forgotten amongst the countless other contacts the person may have in their phone. With option two, the potential client may forget your name or business name and never be able to find you online. However, with option three the potential client has something physical they can turn to. Handing somebody a business card is still the most convenient way to exchange your contact information, and often the most memorable as well. Don't risk being forgotten; have a business card ready to go for the most positive first interaction possible.

They're Unique

Business Cards 3One of the beneficial aspects of business cards becoming less popular is that now any experience you have involving them becomes unique and memorable. It's no longer just a tool for exchanging information, people use business cards to show off their creativity. This is particularly true for anyone who owns a business involving art or graphic design. People often use business cards as a way to show an example of their previous work or choose to make one of a kind art pieces on each card. Business cards no longer have to be a simple conveyance of name and information, use them to your advantage to show off your skill. If you can wow somebody with your business card design, you can be assured that they're going to want to share it with others as well and that can be very valuable. Our designers at Westmount Signs and Printing can help you come up with a one of a kind design that's bound to draw attention. Click here now to learn more about us!

They're Professional

Having a business card used to be an expectation of business people, but today they can help set you apart as a professional, especially if it's clear that effort was put into design and production. People still have an expectation of receiving a business card when one is requested so not having one available can send negative signals to a potential customer if you're not prepared. For smaller businesses looking to legitimize themselves, these interactions can be crucial and business cards can help you be prepared to make an outstanding first impression.

ourwork8Westmount Signs and Printing: The Only Supplier You Need

Westmount Signs and Printing is dedicated to providing the Waterloo region and surrounding area with quality signage and printing services. Our digital printing services cover everything from Business Cards, Brochures, Manuals, Posters and more! We provide free mock ups for your guaranteed satisfaction with the end result and we’re always willing to talk. Our team is well-known in the region for having extremely fast turnaround times for both initial concepts and finished products. If you would like to start on a project with us or have a few questions, feel free to phone us at 519-885-1400 or email us at sales@westmountsigns.com.
Sources: http://www.printmediacentr.com/2015/04/yes-business-cards-still-matter-here-is-why/