How to Create a Logo For Your Business

  • Posted on: July 9, 2014
  • by: S42Dev

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Much in the line of our past article, How to Create a Good Logo, today we will be talking about the logo design process. In this article we will discuss the three main phases of the logo design process for your business. These phases are the brainstorming phase, the design phase, and the implementation phase. .

Phase One: Brainstorming

The brainstorming phase is when to ask questions such as, "what is our business philosophy," "what do we want to come to mind when people think of our company," and "what do we believe makes us stand out from the crowd?" In the brainstorming phase it is important to first boil down your company to its essence, and only then move on to how those ideas should be visually represented. This phase is often left out of the logo design process, and the results can often show this. It is important to remember that a logo is the visual manifestation of your company, and as such to have a logo that does not embody the essence you are trying to put forward will be confusing to your customers, ultimately hurting your brand. A logo should be designed for when your company is ready to go out into the marketplace. At that point it is likely that you already will know what it is your company is, and what you want it to be. .

Phase Two: Design

This is the stage that has been talked about in some level of detail on this blog. In this stage, all of the things that have come up in the brainstorming phase should be put into design. Do you want to be known as a strong company? Then your logo could benefit from hard angles and strong, dark colors. Do you want to be known as a creative company? Then use more flowing angles and lighter shades of blue in your design. When your design is done, someone in the brainstorming session should be able to look at the design and say that it is a good representation of what was talked about in the first phase. logos_combined .

Phase Three: Implementation

Finally, once your rough design is done it is time to test it in controlled circumstances. It is of great benefit to have a limited print on several different types of media to get a feeling for what the logo will look like in different situations. A logo that looks good as a drawing on a standard sheet of paper may look too compressed on a business card, or look odd when seen on a back lit screen. It is important to see your logo in as many situations as possible to get a feel for how it will function out in the marketplace. Also, make sure to ask people from outside your design team for feedback throughout all stages of the design and implementation process. Ask them the same questions that you did in the brain storming phase to make sure that your logo encapsulates what you are trying to say about your company. Often a fresh set of eyes will spot things that someone intimately involved with the process will miss.
A logo is an important thing to have for when your company goes out into the marketplace because it is often the easiest thing to remember when someone tries to think of a business. For this reason it should be used on any piece of documentation connected to your business in order to grow its recognition. It is in this way that the logo can help grow your company's brand, and as such your bottom line. .

Need Help Creating a Logo?

Creating a logo can be a tricky task. If you are out of ideas one of our graphics design experts can help.We also specialize in all areas of digital printing, interior, and exterior signage. Contact us today!

Email: Phone: 519-885-1400

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