Creating an Attractive Sign

  • Posted on: January 10, 2014
  • by: S42Dev

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If your business has open wall or windows space inside or outside of the store, you have one of the most proven and least expensive advertising spaces at your disposal. Utilize that free advertising space in your business and fill it with rich vibrant advertising material from Westmount Signs! .

What a Good Sign Can Do

  • Attract Customers
  • Create Business Image
  • Draw Attention to a Slow-Moving Item
  • Announce Sales
  • Welcome a Season

Elements of a Good Sign

  • Colour: colour sets the mood for what message the sign is portraying
    • Red: Extremely powerful colour. Symbolizes energy, power, vitality, and vigor
    • Green: Colour of nature
    • Blue: Universal colour. Promotes serenity and clarity, as well as intellect and precision.
    • Yellow: Attention grabbing colour. Happy and energetic - can be fatiguing to the eye however, so don't overuse
    • Purple: Luxury colour. Used to portray high quality.
    • Orange: More neutral version of red
    • Pink: The feminine colour. Represents beauty.
    • Black: The colour of the elite. Use to appear formal and traditional.
    • White: The colour of purity. Is also calming.
  • Lighting: the focal point of the sign should be accented by any lighting
    • Style 1: Mood Lighting. Use of light mixed with shadows to create a mood the draws the customer in.
    • Style 2: Bright and Vibrant. Use to fully illuminate all aspects, so that all information is instantly viewable.
  • Size of Objects: Use large text and graphics to gather interest
    • Buzz words such as "Sale" and "New" should stand out from the rest.
    • Use to create interest for items not selling as well as they should: place them on the large, central object on a sign.
  • Material: Signs can be made from many materials, or etched existing material such a glass or metal.
    • Metals can relay strength or professionalism
    • Wood can relay nature or craftsmanship
    • Plastics can relay modern and traditional
  • Simplicity: Less is more when it comes to signs. Don't add excessive details.
    • Trim out any excessive details that are not needed in a sign. A customer is not going to read more then a few words, or look at more then a few images. Make your the goal of your sign simple and single focused.

Making Your Sign a Reality

Once you have decided on a design for a sign, use our file uploader to get your design to our experts in order to create your sign immediately. Need a sign, but don't have an idea of how it should look? No problem, our graphics design team is able to draw up the perfect sign for your needs, just contact us today to learn about how we can design the perfect sign to push sales at your business. Once a sign has been added to your business, make sure to take note of the time it was introduced, and take note of the increase in sales that follows!  
Contact Us Today! Email: Phone: 519-885-1400