Neon vs LED Signs – Which Should You Choose?

  • Posted on: March 13, 2017
  • by: S42Dev

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Neon vs LED
Are you looking to invest in a new sign for your business and you're not sure which type to choose? Two of the more popular choices are Neon and LED signs. But which is the better choice? Here is a comparison of these two eye catching sign lighting choices. Based on six different categories. The categories are purchase price, power usage, maintenance, safety, brightness, and accessibility.


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If you are in the market for a new sign, contact us at Westmount Signs and speak with our friendly staff. We will help you design the perfect sign for your needs.

Neon Vs LED Signs

The following is a more detailed analysis of the differences between neon and LED signs. Read our blog post entitled The Effectiveness of LED Lighting for Signs to learn more about the advantages of LED lighting.

1. Purchase Price

Neon Vs LED Signs The initial pricing of neon and LED lights is comparable, although LED signs may be slightly cheaper. The prices will vary depending on the size and style of your choice. There are also fewer neon sign suppliers because of a significant decrease in demand so it may be harder to source a good supplier within a close proximity to your business.

2. Power Usage

Neon signs have improved their power consumption recently but they  still use higher voltage than LED signs, which are safer to work with.

3. Maintenance

LED signs are almost maintenance free and have dramatically lower running costs. Neon signs require more maintenance, especially in a colder climate where ice and snow elements factor into the equation. A trained professional is also required to attend to maintenance issues, which can incur further costs.

4. Safety

Neon signs use high voltage and use real glass tubing so there is always the potential for breakage and will require special treatment for disposal.  LED's are shock proof and have very little heat emitted, which makes them absolutely safe to use. LED signs also do not contain detrimental materials like mercury or phosphor.

5. Brightness

image of the interior swatch channel letter sign

Neon signs have a warmer, more aesthetically pleasing light than LED signs. On the other hand, LED lights are brighter and can be seen from a greater distance.

6. Accessibility

Neon signs can come in many colours and is flexible in design. They are reliable and can operate 24 hours a day to better serve your business. LED signs can be easily controlled by wireless modem & remote control. LED signs are also a newer technology and they are increasing in popularity.

Westmount Signs & Printing Can Help You Create Your Perfect Sign!

Choosing which type of sign you want is a big decision; let the qualified staff at Westmount Signs & Printing step you through the selection process. If you would like your older lighting technology converted to the most modern LED lighting, come speak to the experts at Westmount Signs & Printing. We have the know-how, the latest equipment, and the experience to help make creating a new sign for your business a breeze. If you already have LED fixtures, our trained technicians can service and maintain them even if we didn't install them. We have our own aerial lifts which make the installation and maintenance easy, even in those hard to reach spots. [ut_alert color="grey"] [ut_single_quote author="Albert Schmidt" company="Partner, Erb and Erb Insureance Brokers Ltd." title="Thanks for Helping Make Us More Visible" avatar="" margin_bottom="20" last="true"]“Westmount Signs provides great products for our business marketing campaigns. We describe what we want and they provide all the options so we can get the best fit for our needs. Better yet, they make sure our purchases are installed properly. We’ll certainly be using Westmount Signs again in the future. Thanks for helping make us more visible!”[/ut_single_quote] Read more testimonials. [/ut_alert]